Building Real-Time Data Warehouses: MySQL to PostgreSQL Migration Simplified

When it comes to handling data in a relational database, you might find yourself needing to migrate from one database system to another. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to transfer data from a MySQL database to a PostgreSQL database using the powerful Python library, Pandas.

The process is straightforward, and we’ll break it down into simple steps so you can follow along even if you’re new to these tools.

Why Migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL?

Both MySQL and PostgreSQL are popular relational database management systems, each with its strengths. You might want to migrate to PostgreSQL if you’re looking for advanced features, better support for complex queries, or just to explore a different system.

Also when we builds data warehousing using Postgres and your operational database is MySQL, then it is required to transfer data from source db to destination database or vice versa. Here we are not implementing incremental migration kind of thing just exploring on how can we transfer the data with basic process.

What You’ll Need

Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  1. Python installed on your system.
  2. The following Python libraries:
    • pandas: For data manipulation and transfer.
    • pymysql: To connect to MySQL.
    • psycopg2-binary: To connect to PostgreSQL.
    • sqlalchemy: To manage connections between Python and the databases.

You can install these libraries using pip:

pip install pandas pymysql psycopg2-binary sqlalchemy

Step 1: Set Up the Database Connections

Before you begin the migration process, you’ll need to have both MySQL and PostgreSQL installed on your system. We need to establish connections to both the MySQL and PostgreSQL databases using SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is a powerful library that simplifies working with databases in Python.

Create the Destination Database and Table?

  • Database: You can create the database using the following command in the PostgreSQL command line interface (psql):
CREATE DATABASE postgres_db;
  • Table: Pandas’ to_sql() method can automatically create the destination table if it does not already exist. However, if you want to control the table schema (e.g., data types, constraints), you should create the table manually beforehand.

Here’s how to create connections to your MySQL and PostgreSQL databases:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# MySQL connection details
mysql_engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://mysql_user:mysql_password@mysql_host:mysql_port/mysql_db')

# PostgreSQL connection details
pg_engine = create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://postgres_user:postgres_password@postgres_host:postgres_port/postgres_db')

Replace mysql_user, mysql_password, mysql_host, mysql_port, mysql_db, postgres_user, postgres_password, postgres_host, postgres_port and postgres_db with your actual database credentials.

Step 2: Fetch Data from MySQL

Next, we’ll use Pandas to fetch the data from the MySQL database and load it into a DataFrame. A DataFrame is like a table in Python, which makes it easy to manipulate and transfer data.

import pandas as pd

# Fetch data from MySQL into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM cars", mysql_engine)

Here, we’re selecting the all the columns from the cars table in the MySQL database. but you can select based on your requirements.

Step 3: Insert Data into PostgreSQL

Now that we have the data in a Pandas DataFrame, the next step is to insert it into the PostgreSQL database. Pandas makes this easy with the to_sql() function, which allows us to write the DataFrame to a table in PostgreSQL.

# Insert data into PostgreSQL in batches
df.to_sql('cars', pg_engine, if_exists='append', index=False, chunksize=1000)

This code will insert the data from the DataFrame into the cars table in PostgreSQL. The if_exists='append' parameter ensures that the data is added to the table without overwriting any existing data. The chunksize=1000 parameter tells Pandas to insert the data in batches of 1,000 rows at a time, which is helpful when working with large datasets.

Step 4: Confirm the Data Transfer

Finally, it’s a good idea to confirm that the data has been successfully transferred. You can do this by querying the PostgreSQL database to ensure that the data is present.

# Fetch data from PostgreSQL to confirm the transfer
df_pg = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM cars", pg_engine)
print(df_pg.head())  # Display the first few rows

How This Helps in Data Engineering and Real-Time Data Warehousing

In the world of data engineering, transferring data between databases is a common task, especially when setting up or managing data warehouses. Here’s how this process can play a crucial role in real-time data engineering and warehousing:

1. Data Integration

By migrating data from MySQL to PostgreSQL, you can integrate data from different sources into a centralized data warehouse. PostgreSQL’s advanced features make it ideal for performing complex queries and analytics on this integrated data.

2. Real-Time Analytics

When you automate this migration process using tools like Pandas and SQLAlchemy, you can set up a pipeline that regularly transfers fresh data from MySQL to PostgreSQL. This enables real-time analytics, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions faster.

3. Scalability and Flexibility

PostgreSQL is known for its scalability. By migrating data from MySQL to PostgreSQL, you are setting the stage for a more flexible and scalable data architecture. This is particularly useful as the volume of data grows and the need for more complex analytics increases.

4. Streamlined Data Processing

Pandas provides a powerful way to process and clean data before transferring it to PostgreSQL. This means you can handle data transformation within the same script, streamlining the entire data processing pipeline.

5. Building a Data Lake

In real-time data warehousing, having a system that can seamlessly collect and store data from various sources is essential. Migrating data from MySQL to PostgreSQL is a step toward building a robust data lake, where all your data is centralized and accessible for real-time processing.


And that’s it! You’ve successfully migrated data from a MySQL database to a PostgreSQL database using Pandas. This method is simple and effective, allowing you to leverage the power of Python for data migration. Whether you’re dealing with a small dataset or millions of rows, Pandas can handle the job with ease.

In the context of data engineering and real-time data warehousing, this process is not just about moving data; it’s about creating a scalable, flexible, and real-time data infrastructure that can support advanced analytics and drive better business outcomes.

Migrating between databases doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With tools like Pandas and SQLAlchemy, you can streamline the process and focus on what matters most—your data.

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