An Introduction to Generative AI : Easy Examples, Working and Applications

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a fascinating area of machine learning where the goal is to create models that can generate new data similar to the data they were trained on. Unlike traditional AI models that focus on recognizing patterns (like identifying objects in images), generative models create new content, such as images, text, music, or even code.

In this article, we’ll explore the basics of Generative AI in simple terms, look at some examples of where it’s used, and implement a basic project in Python to illustrate the concept.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI models learn the underlying patterns and structures of input data to generate new, original data that resembles the training data. Think of it like an artist who studies various painting styles and then creates a new painting inspired by those styles.

Where Gen AI fits in the AI areas

Key Concepts:

  • Generative Models: Models that can produce new data instances.
  • Discriminative Models: Models that classify or recognize input data.

Descriptive AI vs. Generative AI

AspectDescriptive AIGenerative AI
ObjectiveAnalyzes data to summarize and describe patterns.Generates new data that resembles the training data.
Example TaskClassifying whether an image contains a cat.Creating a new image of a cat from scratch.
Model TypeDiscriminative models (e.g., classification models)Generative models (e.g., GANs, VAEs)
OutputIdentifies or labels existing data.Creates new, synthetic data.
Use CasesSentiment analysis, image recognition, fraud detection.Image generation, text generation, music composition.
Data HandlingFocuses on finding patterns in existing data.Learns patterns from data to generate new examples.
ComplexityOften simpler models, since they only need to recognize patterns.Typically more complex, as they need to create patterns.

Simple Examples of Generative AI

  1. Image Generation: Creating new images that look like real photographs or artworks.
  2. Text Generation: Writing articles, stories, or code based on learned language patterns.
  3. Music Composition: Composing new music pieces in the style of classical composers or modern artists.
  4. Voice Synthesis: Generating human-like speech from text.

Where Can Generative AI Be Used?

  • Art and Design: Creating new artworks, logos, or design concepts.
  • Entertainment: Generating scripts, dialogues, or game levels.
  • Data Augmentation: Creating additional training data for machine learning models.
  • Healthcare: Simulating medical data for research while preserving patient privacy and many more

Implementing a Simple Generative Project in Python

To grasp the basics of generative processes, we’ll start with a simple project: generating random numbers based on specific rules using Python’s random module.

Project: Generate Random Even and Odd Numbers

What We’ll Do:

  • Generate random numbers within a specified range.
  • Apply rules to generate either even or odd numbers.
  • Understand how randomness can be controlled to produce data that fits certain criteria.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Import the Necessary Module

First, we’ll import the random module, which provides functions to generate random numbers.

import random

Step 2: Define Functions to Generate Even and Odd Numbers

We’ll create two functions: one for generating even numbers and another for odd numbers within a given range.

def generate_random_even(min_value, max_value):
    # Ensure the min_value is even
    if min_value % 2 != 0:
        min_value += 1
    # Generate a random even number
    even_number = random.randrange(min_value, max_value + 1, 2)
    return even_number

def generate_random_odd(min_value, max_value):
    # Ensure the min_value is odd
    if min_value % 2 == 0:
        min_value += 1
    # Generate a random odd number
    odd_number = random.randrange(min_value, max_value + 1, 2)
    return odd_number


  • random.randrange(start, stop, step) generates a random number from start to stop - 1, stepping by step.
  • By setting the step to 2, we ensure we only get even or odd numbers.
  • We adjust min_value to be even or odd to match our need.

Step 3: Use the Functions to Generate Numbers

Now, let’s use these functions to generate random even and odd numbers.

# Set the range
min_value = 1
max_value = 100

# Generate a random even number
even_num = generate_random_even(min_value, max_value)
print(f"Random Even Number between {min_value} and {max_value}: {even_num}")

# Generate a random odd number
odd_num = generate_random_odd(min_value, max_value)
print(f"Random Odd Number between {min_value} and {max_value}: {odd_num}")

Sample Output:

Step 4: Expand the Project (Optional)

You can extend this project by adding more functions to generate numbers based on different rules, such as:

  • Multiples of a specific number.
  • Prime numbers within a range.
  • Numbers following a certain distribution.

How Does This Relate to Generative AI?

While generating random numbers isn’t AI in itself, it introduces the fundamental concept of generating data based on specific rules or patterns. In Generative AI, models learn from data to produce new data that follows the patterns of the training data.

Our simple project illustrates:

  • Data Generation: Creating new data points (numbers) that fit certain criteria.
  • Controlled Randomness: Applying rules to randomness to achieve desired outcomes.


Generative AI is all about creating new content that is similar to what a model has learned from. Starting with simple projects like generating numbers based on rules helps build an understanding of how generation works. As you progress, you’ll explore more complex models that can generate text, images, and even music.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve grasped the basics, you can:

  • Experiment with the code by changing ranges and rules.
  • Explore how changing the parameters affects the output.
  • Look forward to more advanced projects, like generating text using Markov Chains.

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