How to Boost ML Models : Bagging, Boosting, Stacking and Voting ensemble techniques


In machine learning, creating a model that makes accurate predictions can sometimes be tricky, especially when a single model isn’t powerful enough. That’s where ensemble methods come in. These techniques combine multiple models, often referred to as weak learners, to produce more accurate and reliable results. Just like how we might ask multiple people for their opinions before making a decision, ensemble methods combine the outputs of several models to make a better overall prediction.

In this article, we’ll explore:

  • What ensemble methods are
  • Why they’re useful
  • The main types of ensemble methods
  • Popular algorithms used in ensemble learning

What Are Ensemble Methods?

Ensemble methods are like a committee of models working together to make better predictions. Each model in the ensemble makes its own prediction, and then these predictions are combined (either by averaging, voting, or stacking) to create a more accurate final output.

Imagine you’re trying to predict whether it will rain tomorrow. Instead of relying on one weather forecast, you check three. If two out of three forecasts predict rain, you might be more confident in your decision. This is the basic idea behind ensemble methods—combining multiple models to improve performance.

Why Use Ensemble Methods?

  • Higher accuracy: Combining multiple models often leads to better performance than any individual model.
  • Reduced overfitting: Ensemble methods can reduce the likelihood that a model is overly tailored to the training data.
  • Increased stability: By averaging out errors, ensembles are generally more stable and reliable.

Types of Ensemble Methods

There are several ways to create an ensemble, but the most common methods are Bagging, Boosting, Stacking, and Voting.

1. Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating)

Bagging is an ensemble method that trains multiple models on different subsets of the data. Each model gets a random sample of the data, and their predictions are averaged (for regression tasks) or voted on (for classification tasks).

  • How it works: The algorithm creates random subsets of the training data, trains a model on each subset, and then combines the predictions.
  • Why it’s useful: Bagging reduces variance in models, which helps prevent overfitting.
  • Popular Algorithm: Random Forest
    • Random Forest is a well-known bagging method that builds a collection of decision trees. Each tree makes a prediction, and the final output is the average of all the trees’ predictions (for regression) or the majority vote (for classification).

2. Boosting

Boosting takes a different approach. Instead of training models on random subsets of data, boosting trains models sequentially, where each new model focuses on the errors made by the previous models.

  • How it works: Each model tries to correct the mistakes of the previous models. Models are trained sequentially with more focus on data points that were previously misclassified.
  • Why it’s useful: Boosting reduces bias, making the model more accurate.
  • Popular Algorithms:
    • AdaBoost: Each subsequent model focuses on correcting errors from the previous model by giving more weight to misclassified instances.
    • Gradient Boosting: Models are trained sequentially, and each one tries to reduce the residual errors of the previous models.
    • XGBoost: A highly efficient and scalable implementation of gradient boosting that often leads to state-of-the-art results.

3. Stacking

Stacking is an advanced ensemble method that uses the predictions of multiple models as inputs for another model, called a meta-model. This meta-model learns how to best combine the predictions from the base models.

  • How it works: Multiple models are trained on the dataset, and their predictions are used as input features for a new model. The new model then makes the final prediction.
  • Why it’s useful: Stacking allows you to combine the strengths of different models, potentially improving performance.
  • Example: You might stack a decision tree, logistic regression, and a support vector machine (SVM), with a linear regression model on top to combine their predictions.

4. Voting

Voting is one of the simplest ensemble methods. In voting, multiple models are trained separately, and the final prediction is made by averaging the results (for regression) or by taking the majority vote (for classification).

  • How it works: Each model makes a prediction, and these predictions are combined through voting (classification) or averaging (regression). How voting differs from bagging is in voting we may have different base models also all those will be trained on complete data where as in bagging mostly the base model is same ex. decision tree and it will be trained on subset of data.
  • Why it’s useful: Voting ensembles are easy to implement and can be a good starting point for improving prediction accuracy.
  • Example: A voting classifier might combine predictions from decision trees, SVMs, and k-nearest neighbors (KNN) models.

Popular Algorithms in Ensemble Learning

Here’s a quick overview of popular algorithms used in each ensemble method:

  1. Bagging:
    • Random Forest: Builds multiple decision trees and averages their predictions.
  2. Boosting:
    • AdaBoost: Focuses on correcting mistakes from earlier models by giving more weight to misclassified data points.
    • Gradient Boosting: Sequentially improves models by reducing the residual errors.
    • XGBoost: A fast and efficient implementation of gradient boosting with regularization techniques.
  3. Stacking:
    • Stacked Generalization: Combines multiple different base models and prediction of all those use as input for a meta-model to get final predictions.
  4. Voting:
    • Voting Classifier/Regressor: Combines predictions of various different models by averaging or majority vote.


Ensemble methods are powerful techniques that help to improve the accuracy, stability, and robustness of machine learning models. By combining the predictions of multiple models, we can create a more powerful system that makes better predictions. Whether you’re using bagging to reduce variance, boosting to reduce bias, or stacking to leverage multiple different models, ensembles can help take your machine learning projects to the next level.

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