These questions cover a range of intermediate topics in NLP and should be useful for testing understanding of core concepts and current NLP technologies

NLP Medium Quiz 4

These questions cover a range of intermediate topics in NLP and should be useful for testing understanding of core concepts and current NLP technologies

1 / 10

In NLP, which model can handle variable-length input sequences without being limited to a fixed-length input?

2 / 10

Which of the following describes "Named Entity Recognition" (NER)?

3 / 10

What does "attention" refer to in NLP models?

4 / 10

Which of the following is used to generate embeddings that consider the sequence of words in a sentence?

5 / 10

Which technique does BERT use to process text bidirectionally?

6 / 10

What is the primary function of a recurrent neural network (RNN) in NLP?

7 / 10

In sentiment analysis, which of the following techniques is often used to identify positive or negative polarity?

8 / 10

What is the main purpose of stemming in NLP?

9 / 10

Which language model introduced the concept of the Transformer architecture?

10 / 10

In word embeddings, what does "contextualized word embedding" mean?

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