Complete End-to-End Stock Price Forecasting App with GUI

In this article, we will walk you through creating a deep learning application to forecast stock prices for major Nift50 companies in India. We will use LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory)…

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Top Deep Learning Architectures : with simple examples

Deep learning helps computers learn and make decisions, just like our brains do. Let’s dive into some of the cool architectures in deep learning, explained with simple scenarios, detailed examples,…

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From Black Box to Clear Box: Understand AI Models Decisions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a big part of our lives, helping us in many ways, from recommending movies to assisting in medical diagnoses. But sometimes, it acts like a…

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How Autonomous Vehicles Work: Simple Examples

Autonomous vehicles, also known as self-driving cars, are cars that can drive themselves without human help. These cars use a lot of cool technology to see the road, make decisions,…

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How to Solve few of the India’s Biggest Challenges with Artificial Intelligence

India is very diverse country. India is at 5th position in the world in terms of GDP. But still there are many major problems need to solve in India. Artificial…

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